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Nature as a museum object – Mark Dion

2 October 13:00 • Liljevalchs
Mark Dion, Department of Memory, Storage and Conservation, 2022. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

The American artist Mark Dion talks to curator Magnus af Petersens about museums, memory and disappearance. Mark Dion, known for his conceptual art which often takes its starting point in the meeting between nature and culture, where scientific presentations and museums are often in focus – talks with curator Magnus af Petersens about his artistry and the unique installation he created for the Nobel Prize Museum’s exhibition Eternal Life.

The conversation starts at 13:00 with an introduction by the Nobel Prize Museum’s Director of Exhibitions Clara Åhlvik and is held in English.

The Life Eternal exhibition can be visited before or after the conversation, and your ticket also gives you entry to the Nobel Prize Museum within a month.

If you have any questions, please contact: info.nobelprizemuseum@nobelprize.org