Quiz about the Nobel Prize in Literaturel
Attention, Nobel Prize nerds! Put your knowledge about the Nobel Prize in Literature to the test with this tricky and entertaining quiz – with Jana Rüegg and Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed
Who was awarded the very first Nobel Prize in Literature? Who was the first female writer to be awarded the prize? These questions will not be included in the quiz, because they are far too easy. Challenge your friends to our quiz and see who is awarded the most prestigious prize amongst all quizzes. The quiz is presented by the literary scholars Jana Rüegg and Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed, Uppsala University.
Take the chance to meet some of Sweden’s most promising young researchers. In collaboration with Young Academy of Sweden, quizzes, conversations and mini lectures with interactive elements are organized during the autumn in connection with the Nobel Prize Museum’s exhibition Life Eternal at Liljevalchs. The events take place on Saturday afternoons and are included in the regular admission ticket.
This event is in Swedish